Selections from “The Haunted House” and Other Spooky Poems and Tales

Author(s) Various
Voice Actor(s) Paul Hecht & Carole Danell
Label Scholastic Records
Catalog # CC 0688
Country U.S.A.
Release Date 1970
Track List
  1. The Haunted House
  2. Winter Moon
  3. Sir Roderic’s Song
  4. A Young Lady from Glitch
  5. Ruth and Johnnie
  6. A Skeleton Once in Khartoum
  7. It Isn’t the Cough
  8. The Bat
  9. The Velvet Ribbon
  10. The Earl‐King
  11. November Night
  12. Dust
  13. The Kilkenny Cats
  14. The Cradle that Rocked by Itself
Album Cover Artist Gerry Contreras
Notes 33‐⅓ RPM
Size: 7"
Sound by: Unknown
Copies Owned 1