Memoirs of the Re‐animator, Episode 1: Octo‐man
Author(s) D. W. Kann
Voice Actor(s) Jason Adair, Mars Homeworld, Greg Marshall, Pat McDonough, and Steve Souza
Label Darkside Power Records
Catalog # ?
Country E.U.
Release Date 2023
Track List
  1. Memoirs of the Re‐animator
  2. Oh Herbert, Not Again
  3. A Lone Piano Alone
  4. West; I Presume
  5. Ward’s Dreaming
  6. The Eldritch Jazz
  7. Darkside Chant for Kids
  8. Octo‐man Scram
  9. Doc West’s Octo‐show Promo
  10. DarkSide Power Records Theme ‐ 1983
Album Cover Artist Joel Saavedra
Notes 33‐⅓ RPM
Music by: Mars Homeworld, Sara M. Miller, Mark Leftridge, Pat McDonough, and THRICEHUUUNG
Copies Owned 1